Reporting helps you understand the performance of your store and channels. You can see a wide range of metrics for the last 30 days, or use the date range box to select any time period you wish.

All reports are accessed through the left-hand side navigation menu.

This guide will help you understand all the Reporting features that are available to you as a ShoppingFeeder Merchant.

Clicks Report

The Clicks Report displays all the clicks your stores have received from all channels. By hovering over a bar on the graph you’re able to see the exact number of clicks the respective channel received. You can use the drop-down selector to drill down by channel. Remember to click Update if you wish to change the date range of the report.

Orders Report

The orders report displays the total number of orders your store has received per day as a bar graph.

Channel Conversions Report

The Channel Conversions Report is a powerful report that helps you understand how well a respective channel is performing.

In ShoppingFeeder a conversion is counted when a user clicks through from a product on one of your channels and within 30 days completes a purchase on your store. This differs slightly from a direct conversion which displays the total number of times a user clicked on a product on a channel and completed a purchase of that same product within 30 days. Conversions are the sum total of all non-direct and direct conversions.

To provide two examples. If a user clicks on a red dress on Google Shopping and ends up purchasing a green dress the ShoppingFeeder Conversion report with show Conversion: 1, Direct Conversion: 0. However, if a user clicks on a red dress on Google Shopping and completes the purchase of that same red dress the ShoppingFeeder conversion report will display Conversion: 1, Direct Conversion: 1.

The Sales Value column displays the total value of the order. So if a user purchases items in addition to the item they clicked on, the total value of all the items is displayed.

Top Offers (By Orders) Report

This report displays the total number of orders of each item that has been in sold in your store. This is all items irrespective if the sale occurred as the result of a click through a channel.

Reporting:Top Offers (By Clicks/Referrals) Report

The Top Offers (By Clicks/Referrals) Report displays products in order of total clicks received. This report helps you optimise your feed as you are able to see which products have high conversion rates, lower conversion rates or are not converting at all.